của Nhóm Tông Đồ Chúa Tình Thương






From: Tinh Cao <>
Date: Sat, Jul 6, 2024 at 6:22 AM
Subject: TĐCTT Hành Hương Năm Thánh Lữ Hành Hy Vọng 2025
To: <>
Cc: Cha Vu Dinh Huyen CMC <>, vu leo <>, Cha Vu Dinh Huyen CMC <>, Rev. Joseph Vũ Toàn Khoa <>

Quý AC TĐCTT rất thân thương của em trong LTXC vô biên,

Như quí AC biết, Nhóm TĐCTT chúng ta sinh hoạt hằng ngày, hằng tuần, hàng tháng, hàng năm và cách năm. Nhóm TĐCTT chúng ta sinh hoạt: Hàng ngày ở chỗ qui tụ lại với nhau qua FCC (FreeConferenceCall) hệ thống hội thoại viễn liên miễn phí; hàng tuần qua trực tuyến chia sẻ PVLC thường vào chiều tối Thứ Năm; hàng tháng bằng việc cử hành Thứ Bảy Đầu Tháng ở Nam California hay vào ngày hội ngộ định kỳ hàng tháng hay cách tháng ở các nơi khác; hàng năm bằng Khóa LTXC, và cách năm bằng các chuyến hành hương vào năm lẻ và truyền giáo vào năm chẵn.

Đáng lẽ chuyến hành hương 2025 này, ngay từ ban đầu, trước cả năm nay trước, chúng em đã tính tổ chức bao gồm cả Ai Cập, Jerusalem và Roma. Sở dĩ bao gồm cả 3 nơi là vì tiến trình Kitô giáo hóa theo dự án và công cuộc cứu chuộc của Thiên Chúa, đó là từ dân ngoại (tiêu biểu nơi Ai Cập - Xuất Ai Cập), đến Do Thái giáo (tiêu biểu nơi Thành Jerusalem), và cuối cùng là Kitô giáo (tiêu biểu nơi Giáo đô Roma có Vatican City State là Quốc Đô Vatican, từ Do Thái giáo - Gioan 4:24). Tuy nhiên, trận chiến bất ngờ bùng phát ở Dải Gaza ở Thánh Địa ở ngay biên giới Ai Cập và cũng không xa Jerusalem, nên chuyện hành hương đến Ai Cập (bao gồm nơi Dân Do Thái sinh sống 430 năm và Thánh gia lánh nạn, cùng Bụi gai bốc cháy mà không bị thiêu rụi và Núi Sinai) và Jerusalem không thành. Chúng ta có thể thực hiện một chuyến đi khác, khi thời cuộc cho phép, đến những di tích thánh của Cựu Ước, như Thành Ur của tổ phụ Abraham, Babylon và Vườn Địa Đàng ở Iraq và các nơi đã kể trên ở Ai Cập.

Năm Thánh 2025 là Năm Hồng Ân của Thiên Chúa, Đấng Cứu Chuộc loài người tạo vật tội lỗi chúng ta, hoàn toàn bởi LTXC. Bởi thế, Nhóm TĐCTT sẽ đến Balan trước, nơi được LTXC dùng để ban bố và loan truyền LTXC, với 2 vị thánh về LTXC là Thánh Faustina và Thánh Giáo hoàng Gioan Phaolô II, rồi về Roma để cùng với chung Cộng đồng Dân Chúa trên khắp thế giới qui tụ về Roma bấy giờ, nhất là với chính ĐTC Phanxicô, cử hành LTXC trong Tam Nhật Thánh, Tam Nhật Vượt Qua tại chính Giáo Đô Vatican của Kitô giáo toàn cầu. Thật vậy Nhóm TĐCTT sẽ tổ chức một chuyến Hành Hương Năm Thánh Lữ Hành Hy Vọng 11 ngày, từ ngày 11 đến hết ngày 21/4/2025, bao gồm Balan và Roma. 

Em xin đính kèm theo email này tờ brochure về chuyến Hành Hương Năm Thánh Lữ Hành Hy Vọng 2025 để quý AC theo dõi. Quí AC TĐCTT ở TGP Philadelphia đã nhận được tờ brochure này trực tiếp từ em dịp Khóa LTXC 65 cuối tuần 21-22/6/2024 vừa qua sau khi hào hứng nghe em nói về lý do tại sao LTXC chọn Balan để ban bố sứ điệp LTXC, và biết được em sẽ tổ chức chuyến hành hương cho Nhóm TĐCTT bao gồm cả Balan này. 

Ở Balan, phái đoàn hành hương TĐCTT sẽ được đến thăm sinh quán của Thánh Giáo Hoàng Gioan Phaolô II và nhà dòng của Thánh Faustina cùng mộ của chị, ngoài ra còn được kính viếng Đền Thánh LTXC, nơi ĐTC Gioan Phaolô II đã nói những lời làm nên Nhóm TĐCTT chúng ta, và còn được dẫn đến tham quan Trại diệt chủng Do Thái là Auswitch, nơi cho thấy lý do tại sao LTXC đã chọn Balan để ban bố sứ điệp LTXC của Người.

Ở Roma, phái đoàn TĐCTT sẽ được dẫn đến 4 Đền Thờ chính ở Roma, nhất là Đền Thờ Thánh Phêrô ở Vatican để lĩnh ơn toàn xáđược viếng thăm các hang toại đạo, được tham quan di tích lịch sử của đế quốc Roma là đế quốc đã từng muốn tận diệt Kitô giáo suốt 300 năm đầu của Giáo Hội, được tham dự Buổi Triều Kiến chung của ĐTC Thứ Tư, được kính viếng Phép Lạ Thánh Thể ở Lanciano Thứ Năm Tuần Thánh, được cử hành Đàng Thánh Giá ở Colosseum do ĐTC chủ sự, được tham dự Lễ Đêm Phục Sinh Thứ Bảy Tuần Thánh và Phép Lành Phục Sinh (ban ơn toàn xá) Chúa Nhật Phục Sinh cả 2 đều ở Quảng Trường Thánh Phêrô, và chiều Chúa Nhật tha hồ shopping ở Vatican...

Quý AC nào muốn tham dự thì xin điền mẫu ghi danh tham dự (được in ra từ ngay email hay từ bản đính kèm) và gửi về cho chúng em như địa chỉ được ghi sẵn trong mẫu ghi danh này
Quý AC ở Nam California có thể đưa tay cho chúng em vào những dịp hội ngộ chung của Nhóm. 
Quý AC ở ngoài Nam California, khi em đến phục vụ các Khóa LTXC trong mùa hè 2024 này, như ở TGP Philadelphia 20-21/6/2024 vừa qua, có thể ghi danh ngay và đưa cho em luôn là tiện nhất.

TĐCTT chúng ta hành hương năm lẻ là để lên núi chiêm ngưỡng Chúa Kitô biến hình để cùng Người hạ sơn hành hiệp vào năm chẵn bằng các chuyến truyền giáo, và chuyến truyền giáo năm 2026 là Hành Trình Truyền Giáo Văn Hóa Liên Tôn ở Mông Cổ...

Xin LTXC luôn là niềm vui yêu thương và là tất cả lòng tin tưởng của chúng ta ở mọi nơi, trong mọi lúc và hết mọi sự, để nhờ đó, dù chúng ta có đi hành hương hay truyền giáo, tất cả đều trở thành một Hành Trình Đức Tin của chúng ta, cho tới khi chúng ta Hành Hương về đến Quê Trời được Vĩnh phúc Hiệp thông Thần Linh với Thiên Chúa là Cha và Con và Thánh Thần. Amen.

em tĩnh

Biệt chú:

Chúng ta nên nhớ:
1- Hành hương vào mùa hè (từ tháng 5 đến hết tháng 9) bao giờ cũng đắt hơn từ tháng 10 đến tháng 4, nhưng dù chúng ta đi trong Tháng 4, giá cũng phải chăng tùy theo sự kiện quốc tế vào lúc ấy;
2- Hành hương vào các biến cố lớn trong Giáo Hội hoàn vũ bao giờ cũng cao giá, bởi hiếm chỗ khách sạn và giá máy bay lên;
3- Hành Hương Năm Thánh Lữ Hành Hy Vọng 2025 của chúng ta lại là chuyến hành hương kiểu customized theo ý của mình hơn là theo chung nên giá bao giờ cũng cao hơn bình thường;
4- Hành Hương Năm Thánh Lữ Hành Hy Vọng 2025 của chúng ta lại còn cần phải đi 2 chuyến máy bay, từ Hoa Kỳ sang Balan, rồi sau đó từ Balan về Roma nữa, nên giá phải tương xứng.
5- Tuy nhiên, nếu chuyến  Hành Hương Năm Thánh Lữ Hành Hy Vọng 2025 này chúng ta cảm thấy có giá trị và lợi ích thiêng liêng thì vấn đề giá cả không thành vấn đề.
6- Nhóm TĐCTT đã từng đi với Nawas International Travels nổi tiếng trong thế giới Kitô giáo và rất được như ý này nên mới liên tục đi với họ 6 lần liền: 2014, 2017, 2019, 2021, 2023 và 2025
7- Hành Hương Năm Thánh Lữ Hành Hy Vọng 2025 của chúng ta lần này có thể đi từ New York hay Los Angeles, mỗi nơi cần hội đủ 15 người để được văn phòng hành hương mua vé chung cho.
8- Không đủ 15 người 1 nơi thì tất cả phải đi chung 1 nơi, như phái đoàn hành hương là 35 người, mà từ LAX CA được 25 nhưng ở New York có 10 người thì quí AC ở vùng Đông Bắc/Nam Hoa Kỳ về LAX.
9- Để giữ chỗ, chúng ta cần đặt cọc 800 MK cho một người, và 2 người một phòng ở khách sạn, nên cố gắng tìm thêm thân nhân hay thân hữu cùng đi cho vui; ai ngủ riêng phải trả thêm $1,100.00.
10- Lệ phí hành hương (cho tối thiểu 32 tham dự viên, đi từ New York hay Los Angeles, không kể tip và thuế khách sạn ở từng nơi khác nhau) sẽ phải được thanh toán hết vào hạn chót ngày 2/12/2024



From: Tinh Cao <>
Date: Thu, Jun 6, 2024 at 11:01 AM
Subject: Re: Brochure Cover
To: Kathie Richter <>
Cc: TDCTT I CA SB Cao Bui Thuy Nga <>

Thanks, I'll let you know. 
We will continue more events during this years in Houston TX and Florida in July, in Virginia và New York in August and in San Jose CA and Fort Worth TX in September.
However, we make announcement to them first and we only give brochure to those who are interested in this pilgrimage. We hope it will be enough, otherwise we will notify you at once.
tinh and Marie

From: Kathie Richter <>
Date: Thu, Jun 6, 2024 at 10:51 AM
Subject: RE: Brochure Cover
To: Tinh Cao <>
Cc: TDCTT I CA SB Cao Bui Thuy Nga <>

Yes, you had, but I just wanted to make sure since you have two events.  Let me know if you need more in the future.


Thank you,


From: Tinh Cao <>
Date: Thu, Jun 6, 2024 at 10:49 AM
Subject: Re: Brochure Cover
To: Kathie Richter <>
Cc: TDCTT I CA SB Cao Bui Thuy Nga <>
We already indicated that 100 copies.

From: Kathie Richter <>
Date: Thu, Jun 6, 2024 at 10:48 AM
Subject: RE: Brochure Cover
To: Tinh Cao <>
Cc: TDCTT I CA SB Cao Bui Thuy Nga <>

How many brochures do you want?

From: Tinh Cao <>
Date: Thu, Jun 6, 2024 at 10:46 AM
Subject: Re: Brochure Cover
To: Kathie Richter <>
Cc: TDCTT I CA SB Cao Bui Thuy Nga <>

Looks good, please proceed Kathie,
During this June 2024, we will have two events on 14-15 in Orange County CA and 21-22 in Philadelphia PA in order to give the brochure to whom interested in the pilgrimage.
Thanks Kathie,
tinh and Marie

From: Kathie Richter <>
Date: Thu, Jun 6, 2024 at 10:38 AM
Subject: RE: Brochure Cover
To: Tinh Cao <>
Cc: TDCTT I CA SB Cao Bui Thuy Nga <>


Hi Tinh and Marie,


Please review the changes and let me know if it is okay to print.


Thank you,



From: Tinh Cao <>
Date: Thu, Jun 6, 2024 at 9:33 AM
Subject: Re: Brochure Cover
To: Kathie Richter <>
Cc: TDCTT I CA SB Cao Bui Thuy Nga <>

Good morning Kathie,
Thank you for your patience.
Now the details (IN RED) we want to modify in the brochure are as follows:
Điều hợp
TĐCTT Đaminh Maria Cao Tấn Tĩnh và Marie Cao-Bùi Thúy-Nga
Linh hướng
Cha Lêo Maria Vũ Đình Huyến, CRM
tinh and Marie

From: Marie Cao <>
Date: Sun, Jun 2, 2024 at 9:54 PM
Subject: Re: Poland & Rome Pilgrimage - Brochure
To: Tinh Cao <>
Cc: Kathie Richter <>

Hi Kathie,
Please don't print the brochure yet.  
I have some points that need to be updated.
I will talk to you tomorrow.  


From: Kathie Richter <>
Date: Thu, May 30, 2024 at 2:12 PM
Subject: Poland & Rome Pilgrimage - Brochure
To: Tinh Cao <>, TDCTT I CA SB Cao Bui Thuy Nga <>


Hi Tinh and Marie,


I hope you are both doing well.


Please review the attached PDF for the brochure, and let me know if it is okay to print.


Also, advise how many brochures you would like me to print for your.


Thank you and warm wishes,



From: Tinh Cao <>
Date: Thu, May 16, 2024 at 12:55 PM
Subject: Re: Holy Year Pilgrimage Tour in 2025 - Brochure
To: Kathie Richter <>
Cc: TDCTT I CA SB Cao Bui Thuy Nga <>

Hi Kathie,

Thanks for your patience. Now please see below the Brochure Cover in Vietnamese.

Hành Hương Năm Thánh Lữ Hành Hy Vọng 2025 của Nhóm TĐCTT chúng ta không phải chỉ để chúng ta hưởng Ơn Toàn Xá khi đến kính viếng những địa điểm được ấn định bởi Tòa Ân Giải Tối Cao, mà chính là để chúng ta sâu xa thấm thía cảm nghiệm hơn nữa LTXC là nguồn mạch ơn cứu độ của chung nhân loại và của riêng từng Kitô hữu chúng ta, ở chỗ, nhờ được Thánh Tẩy tái sinh, chúng ta đã được giải phóng khỏi quyền lực tối tăm chết chóc của ma quỷ để được hoan hưởng sự sống viên mãn của thành phần đã trở nên con cái của Cha trên trời. 

Thật vậy, cốt lõi của Năm Thánh là ân phúc được giải phóng và được tự do, theo đường hướng của Năm Thánh trong Cựu Ước 50 năm một lần ( xem Lêvi 24:8-55, 27:16-24, và Dân số 36:4), ở chỗ, Dân Chúa phải giải phóng người nô lệ của mình (Levi 25:35-55), trả lại cho chủ nhân ban đầu các bất động sản của họ (Levi 25:23-34), và không cầy sới cho đất đai cũng được nghỉ ngơi (Levi 25,11). Với chung con người và riêng thành phần nô lệ hay bị mất bất động sản thì Năm Thánh mang một ý nghĩa Hy Vọng được giải phóng theo tinh thần bao la của LTXC.

Chính vì LTXC làm nên "Năm Hồng Ân của Chúa" (Luca 4:19) như thế mà chuyến Hành Hương Năm Thánh Lữ Hành Hy Vọng 2025 của Nhóm TĐCTT mới bao gồm 2 "Thánh Địa" thời đại liên quan đến LTXC là Balan và Rôma. Thật ra, lịch trình ban đầu của chuyến hành hương 2025 này bao gồm Ai Cập (dân ngoại), Jerusalem (Do Thái giáo) và Roma (Kitô giáo), nhưng thời cuộc hiện nay đã không cho phép chúng ta đến Ai Cập và Jerusalem, bởi thế Balan đã được chọn thay, còn Roma vẫn giữ nguyên, nơi chúng ta cử hành Tuần Thánh với Đức Thánh Cha.

Balan là quê hương của 2 vị thánh về LTXC là Thánh Faustina và Thánh Gioan Phaolô II, và trại diệt chủng Auschwitz là nơi cho thấy lý do tại sao LTXC đã chọn Balan để ban bố sứ điệp LTXC giữa 2 Thế Chiến I (1914-1918) và II (1939-1945). Roma, từng là Thủ đô của đế quốc Roma rộng nhất và lâu nhất lịch sử (1480 năm: 27 BC-1453 AD), nhưng nay là Giáo đô của Quốc đô Vatican, một mầm mống của Nước Trời trên trần gian, một vương quốc đã bị đế quốc Roma nỗ lực tận diệt suốt 300 năm đầu lịch sử của mình mà vẫn tồn tại và hoành tráng.

Balan, nơi đã được phái đoàn 20 anh chị em TĐCTT đã kính viếng năm 2014, thời điểm ĐTC GP II được Giáo Hội tuyên phong hiển thánh CN 27/4, nhưng năm 2025 TĐCTT trở lại như thành phần Lữ Hành Hy Vọng để xin LTXC càng hiển linh hơn trong "thế giới ngày nay cần đến LTXC biết bao" (ĐTC GP II). Roma cũng đã được phái đoàn THĐC 24 anh chị em năm 2014 và 24 TĐCTT năm 2021 kính viếng, nhưng năm 2025 TĐCTT trở lại để cử hành LTXC trong Tuần Thánh lần đầu tiên ở đây với chung Cộng đồng Dân Chúa, nhất là với ĐTC Phanxicô. 

TĐCTT Đaminh Maria cao tấn tĩnh

Regarding the spiritual director is Father Huyen Vu Dinh, CRM, but in Vietnamese is Cha Vũ Đình Huyến, CRM.



From: Tinh Cao <>
Date: Tue, May 14, 2024 at 10:20 AM
Subject: Re: Holy Year Pilgrimage Tour in 2025 - Brochure
To: Kathie Richter <>
Cc: TDCTT I CA SB Cao Bui Thuy Nga <>

Good morning Kathie,

My intention right after I signed the Agreement Letter is to write a Brochure cover and send it to you.
Despite everything else that keeps me very busy, I still try to complete it prior to my departure date and send it to you.
On June 1, 2024, we have a meeting we can take advantage of it to promote the pilgrimage.
I can't finish it I will notify you right away.


From: Kathie Richter <>
Date: Mon, May 13, 2024 at 10:55 AM
Subject: RE: Holy Year Pilgrimage Tour in 2025 - Brochure
To: Tinh Cao <>
Cc: TDCTT I CA SB Cao Bui Thuy Nga <>


Good morning Tinh,


Based on the attached document, kindly send me how you would like the brochure cover to read.  Also please send your message.


I would like to get the brochure started before you depart to Ethiopia.  If you are too busy, let me know.


Thank you and best wishes,




From: Tinh Cao <>
Date: Tue, May 7, 2024 at 6:27 AM
Subject: Re: Holy Year Pilgrimage Tour in 2025 - Agreement Letter
To: Kathie Richter <>
Cc: TDCTT I CA SB Cao Bui Thuy Nga <>

Good morning Kathie,

Thank you for the information. 
My wife called you yesterday afternoon.
The final thing is the dome of St. Peter's Basilica, please forget it, and keep the ratio 1 to 8.
Please include the St. John Paul II Museum and the Church of the Sacrifice in the itinerary.
We will sign the agreement upon receiving the revised itinerary.
Best regards.


From: Kathie Richter <>
Date: Mon, May 6, 2024 at 11:42 AM
Subject: RE: Holy Year Pilgrimage Tour in 2025 - Agreement Letter
To: Tinh Cao <>
Cc: TDCTT I CA SB Cao Bui Thuy Nga <>


Good morning Tinh and Marie,


I hope you had a nice weekend.


Please note the following:



Shrine of Divine Mercy – The places where you visited in 2014 will be the same, as long as they are open and available.


Wadowice – The St. John Paul II Museum and the Church of the Sacrifice will be included in the current tour price.



The Dome of St. Peter’s Basilica is not open on Wednesdays, which is the date you wanted to include it.  I have been advised that with pre-purchased tickets, there can be a 3 to 4 hour wait to get in.  Therefore, you will need to rearrange the itinerary.  Please advise.

Also, there will be an entrance fee, I need to check what this amount will be.


The reduction in the tour price for 1 free for 8 paying participants will be $80 per person.


Please advise.


Thank you and best wishes,



From: Tinh Cao <>
Date: Sat, May 4, 2024 at 10:24 AM
Subject: Re: Holy Year Pilgrimage Tour in 2025 - Agreement Letter
To: Kathie Richter <>
Cc: TDCTT I CA SB Cao Bui Thuy Nga <>
The following images we took in both the Shrine of Divine Mercy and St. Faustina's Convent in the same place.
We want to return to these places including St. Faustina's room in her convent. 
3.  With the current itinerary, there is no time to include the Dome of St. Peter’s Basilica. 
We can replace the time at the Shrine of Devine Mercy to the Dome of St. Peter's Basilica

From: Kathie Richter <>
Date: Sat, May 4, 2024 at 10:04 AM
Subject: RE: Holy Year Pilgrimage Tour in 2025 - Agreement Letter
To: Tinh Cao <>
Cc: TDCTT I CA SB Cao Bui Thuy Nga <>


Hi Tinh and Marie,


1.  Are you referring to Sister Faustina’s House:


2. The Museum is St. John Paul II’s home:

I need to check the prices per my previous comments.


3.  With the current itinerary, there is no time to include the Dome of St. Peter’s Basilica. 


Let me know about the items above.




From: Tinh Cao <>
Date: Sat, May 4, 2024 at 9:28 AM
Subject: Re: Holy Year Pilgrimage Tour in 2025 - Agreement Letter
To: Kathie Richter <>
Cc: TDCTT I CA SB Cao Bui Thuy Nga <>

Thanks Kathie for your quick response.
1- The issue number 3, we means we want to visit St. Faustina's room in her convent where you included in the itinerary.
2- The galery: In our pilgrimage in 2014 on the occasion of Pope John Paul II"s canonization, our group were in this galery.
3- The top of St. Peter Basilica, if possible we think our pilgrims can climb up there (in 2000, our 9 year old girl can climb up there).
Best regard,
tinh and Marie    

From: Kathie Richter <>
Date: Sat, May 4, 2024 at 9:08 AM
Subject: RE: Holy Year Pilgrimage Tour in 2025 - Agreement Letter
To: Tinh Cao <>
Cc: TDCTT I CA SB Cao Bui Thuy Nga <>


Good morning, Tinh and Marie,


Thank you for your email.


Please note my comments in red below in response to your note.


Kindly advise how to proceed regarding DAY 3.


Best wishes,




DAY 3, SUN, APR 13: 

We want to visit St. Faustina's room where Jesus appeared to her and gave her the chaplet of mercy , and also where she wrote her dairy;

we also want to celebrate mass in either at the shrine of divine mercy or in her convent chapel.

St. Faustina received the chaplet of mercy in Vilnius, Lithuania, which is over nine hours away from Krakow, Poland.

Please let me know specifically the location that you want to visit where St. Faustina wrote her Diary. 

We can only request private Mass at churches.  We cannot guarantee the group will be given permission to have private Mass.  Would public Mass be acceptable if we cannot confirm a private Mass?


DAY 4, MON, APR 14:

We want to visit the St. John Paul's Galary next to the Church, for we didn't see this galary is mentioned at all.

There is an entrance fee for this site, and I will need to find out if the tour escort can do the guiding, or if the group needs to use the Museum’s guides.


DAY 5, TUE, APR 15:

We want to know how long the flight from Poland to Rome, and if we still have a lot of time left on this day we want to have some sightseeing either in Krakow prior to the flight or in Rome...

The flight information is not available until the group is booked and the air is confirmed.  Since you have requested two gateways, the arrival / departure times, won’t necessarily be the same time.

We do not book sightseeing on flight days, as the times are too unpredictable.  Also, if you have a very large group, we might have to use more than one flight. 

Please keep in mind, when sightseeing is booked, it cannot be altered because of a delayed/cancelled flight, and this is why we don’t book sightseeing services on these days.

When you arrive in Rome, you can use the balance of the day at leisure, which is nice, because there is so much to do in Rome.


DAY 6, WED, APR 16:

We want to go to the top of St. Peter Basilica if possible in order to see the whole Rome from there...

I would recommend this be an option for people to add, because it will be difficult for some people to manage. It has 551 steps, and the steps are narrow and odd angles with short ceilings. And there are no places to rest.  The climb can take over 30 minutes.

I will have to check if this option will be available during the Holy Year.  All the sights will be PACKED, especially during the Easter period.

Based on time alone, there isn’t enough time to include it.


DAY 7, THU, APR 17:

We want to stop by one of the wonderful sight in the Adriatic Sea on the way back to Rome from Lanciano if we still have time.

You should have plenty of time for stopping along the Adriatic Sea.


Finally we would like to know the difference between 8 to 1 free and 10 to 1 free. 

I will have to ask what the difference will be, but I will need an answer to my comments about DAY 3.

From: Tinh Cao <>
Date: Sat, May 4, 2024 at 5:43 AM
Subject: Re: Holy Year Pilgrimage Tour in 2025 - Agreement Letter
To: Kathie Richter <>
Cc: TDCTT I CA SB Cao Bui Thuy Nga <>
Good morning Kathie,

Thanks for your email including itinerary and agreement letter.

Regarding the itinerary we want to add more things as below:
DAY 3, SUN, APR 13: 
We want to visit St. Faustina's room where Jesus appeared to her and gave her the chaplet of mercy, and also where she wrote her dairy;
we also want to celebrate mass in either at the shrine of divine mercy or in her convent chapel.
DAY 4, MON, APR 14:
We want to visit the St. John Paul's Galary next to the Church, for we didn't see this galary is mentioned at all.
DAY 5, TUE, APR 15:
We want to know how long the flight from Poland to Rome, and if we still have a lot of time left on this day we want to have some sightseeing either in Krakow prior to the flight or in Rome...
DAY 6, WED, APR 16:
We want to go to the top of St. Peter Basilica if possible in order to see the whole Rome from there...

DAY 7, THU, APR 17:
We want to stop by one of the wonderful sight in the Adriatic Sea on the way back to Rome from Lanciano if we still have time.
Finally we would like to know the difference between 8 to 1 free and 10 to 1 free. 

Thanks for your consuming time to our next pilgrimage of the Holy Year 2025. 
Best regards,
Tinh and Marie

From: Kathie Richter <>
Date: Fri, May 3, 2024 at 5:50 PM
Subject: RE: Holy Year Pilgrimage Tour in 2025 - Agreement Letter
To: Tinh Cao <>
Cc: TDCTT I CA SB Cao Bui Thuy Nga <>

Hi Tinh and Marie,


Here attached please find the Agreement Letter for your Pilgrimage to Poland and Rome.


If all is in order, kindly sign and return to me, so we can start booking the services.  Keep in mind your dates of travel are in high demand, so the sooner we can lock in the air the better.


Kindly advise the number of seats you want me to block from NYC and LAX Keep in mind we will need a minimum of 15 travelers from each gateway.


Feel free to call or text me over the weekend, if you have any questions.


Thank you for giving me and Nawas the opportunity to work with you once again.  We value your loyalty.


Best wishes,



From: Tinh Cao <>
Date: Thu, May 2, 2024 at 11:56 AM
Subject: Re: Holy Year Pilgrimage Tour in 2025
To: Kathie Richter <>

Yes, that is correct. 

From: Kathie Richter <>
Date: Thu, May 2, 2024 at 11:11 AM
Subject: RE: Holy Year Pilgrimage Tour in 2025
To: Tinh Cao <>
Cc: TDCTT I CA SB Cao Bui Thuy Nga <>


Hi Marie and Tinh,


I am working on the itinerary, and I can’t find St. Faustina’s Monastery.  To clarify, are you referring to the Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy and the Chapel of the miraculous image of the Merciful Jesus and the tomb of St. Faustina?


Thank you,


From: Tinh Cao <>
Date: Wed, May 1, 2024 at 8:57 PM
Subject: Re: Holy Year Pilgrimage Tour in 2025
To: Kathie Richter <>
Cc: TDCTT I CA SB Cao Bui Thuy Nga <>

Yes, please proceed. 
Goodnight Kathie.
tinh and Marie

From: Kathie Richter <>
Date: Wed, May 1, 2024 at 2:24 PM
Subject: RE: Holy Year Pilgrimage Tour in 2025
To: Tinh Cao <>
Cc: TDCTT I CA SB Cao Bui Thuy Nga <>


Hi Tinh and Marie,


Attached is the 11-Day Itinerary Outline for your Poland & Rome Pilgrimage with entrances.


I have been advised I can only quote from LAX and NYC, not HOU.  Also, land only travelers will be very limited.  This shouldn’t be a problem, since travelers can make their way to New York to fly with the group.


The price from LAX will be $4,999, including $560 in Air taxes/surcharges.

The price from NYC will be $4849 ,including $560 in Air taxes/surcharges.

Each gateway will require a minimum of 15 participants.


These prices are based on the following:


Departure Date:  APR 11, 2025

Benefits:  1 free for every 8 paying participants with a minimum of 32 total participants

Current air fares/exchange rages/taxes, and estimated 2025 land prices.

Meals:  Breakfast and dinner daily, including Fish dinner on FRI, APR 18.


Because of the difficulty of the travel period for this tour, this quote is only valid for 7 days.  Therefore, please let me know as soon as possible if you want to accept the prices and program, so we can start securing the space.


Thank you and best wishes,



From: Tinh Cao <>
Date: Tue, Apr 30, 2024 at 4:33 PM
Subject: Re: Holy Year Pilgrimage Tour in 2025
To: Kathie Richter <>
Cc: TDCTT I CA SB Cao Bui Thuy Nga <>

Yes, that would be fine Kathie, as follows: 
Sunday 4/13
    Shrine of Divine Mercy
    St Faustina's Monastery
    The Krakow's Cathedral where he celebrated the very first mass in underground chapel and 
                                             where he was archbishop since 1963 to 1978.
Monday 4/14
   St. John Paul II's birthplace, the Church and his museum all in the same John-Paul II's Square
Tuesday 4/15
    Flying from Poland to Rome

From: Kathie Richter <>
Date: Tue, Apr 30, 2024 at 4:09 PM
Subject: RE: Holy Year Pilgrimage Tour in 2025
To: Tinh Cao <>
Cc: TDCTT I CA SB Cao Bui Thuy Nga <>


Hi Tinh and Marie,


I have gone over the itinerary and have a couple comments/questions:


In Poland you show Auschwitz and Wadowice on two separate days.  Since these two sites are only 22 miles apart, would you like to combine them on the same day and have all the sightseeing in Krakow on one day?  You would spend the same amount of time in both Auschwitz and Wadowice, just less time on the coach.  If this is okay, then I will ask if it is recommended by the ground operators.


Thank you,



From: Kathie Richter <>
Date: Mon, Apr 29, 2024 at 12:07 PM
Subject: RE: Holy Year Pilgrimage Tour in 2025
To: Marie Cao <>
Cc: Anh Cao Tấn Tĩnh <>


Hi Marie,


It is only two days:


Day 1:  USA/Across the Atlantic

Day 2:  Arrive Krakow

Day 3:  Begin sightseeing


Note doing a Google search for flights New York/Krakow, all flights from the airlines that service this route leave in the late evening.


Same with flights from LAX, although there are a few flights leaving earlier, but they are 5 hours farther away than New York, so the same issue with departure times being in the evening.  No morning flights are available.





From: Marie Cao <>
Date: Mon, Apr 29, 2024 at 11:49 AM
Subject: Re: Holy Year Pilgrimage Tour in 2025
To: Kathie Richter <>
Cc: Tinh Cao <>

Good morning Kathie,
Hope this email finds you well.
For the outbound round, can you somehow get a departing flight early enough that gets us to Poland by mid-day or early afternoon (latest).  So we can at least have time for 1 sightseeing that evening.
Thank you so much,

From: Tinh Cao <>
Date: Mon, Apr 29, 2024 at 11:43 AM
Subject: Re: Holy Year Pilgrimage Tour in 2025
To: Kathie Richter <>
Cc: TDCTT I CA SB Cao Bui Thuy Nga <>

Thanks for your quick response.

Please follow our selection as below:

Gateway:  From New York, plus supplements from LAX and Houston


Benefits:  1 free for 8 


Dinner:  dinner daily both in Poland and in Rome.


Minimum Participants:  32 (including frees)

From: Kathie Richter <>
Date: Mon, Apr 29, 2024 at 11:29 AM
Subject: RE: Holy Year Pilgrimage Tour in 2025
To: Tinh Cao <>
Cc: TDCTT I CA SB Cao Bui Thuy Nga <>


Hi Tinh and Marie,


Thank you for your prompt response.  My oversight from your last email.


Please advise regarding the benefits, etc.  From your original Holy Land with Egypt and Rome you wanted the price based as follows:


Gateway:  From New York, plus supplements from LAX and Houston


Benefits:  Difference between 1 free for 8 and 1 free for 10


Dinner:  Difference between dinner daily and dinner daily in Poland and one dinner in Rome.


Minimum Participants:  36 (including frees)


Thank you,










From: Tinh Cao <>
Date: Mon, Apr 29, 2024 at 11:17 AM
Subject: Re: Holy Year Pilgrimage Tour in 2025
To: Kathie Richter <>
Cc: TDCTT I CA SB Cao Bui Thuy Nga <>

Thanks Kathie,
How about the following updated:

The Holy Year Pilgrimage 2025 - Pilgrims of Hope

From Poland to Rome 12 days from 11-21/4/2025

1)  Poland: 4/12-15  

     Sunday 4/13
    Shrine of Divine Mercy
    St Faustina's Monastery
    Monday 4/14
   St. John Paul II's birthplace, the Church and his museum all in the same John-Paul II's Square
   The Krakow's Cathedral where he celebrated the very first mass in underground chapel and 
                                          where he was archbishop since 1963 to 1978.
    Tuesday 4/15
    Flying from Poland to Rome

2) Rome: 4/15-21

Wednesday 4/16

General Audience

St Peter Basilica and Square,

The Shrine of Divine Mercy near St. Peter Square

Thursday 4/17

Lanciano (in place of Shrine of Turin)

Friday 4/18


Colesseum: The Way of The Cross with Pope in evening 

Saturday 4/19

St Paul Basilia, St Mary Major Basilica and St John Laterano Basilica

Easter (Saturday Night Vigil)

Easter Sunday 4/20

Midday Regina, Easter Message and Papal Blessing


Monday 4/21

Return to U.S.






From: Kathie Richter <>
Date: Mon, Apr 29, 2024 at 10:51 AM
Subject: RE: Holy Year Pilgrimage Tour in 2025
To: Tinh Cao <>
Cc: TDCTT I CA SB Cao Bui Thuy Nga <>


Good morning Tinh and Marie,


Thank you for the breakdown for your 2025 Jubilee Pilgrimage.


Please clarify your reference to including the Shroud of Turin during your stay in Rome on APR 17.  Turin is 417 miles from Rome, and cannot be done in one or two days.


Also, keep in mind, the tour you have below would require a departure on APR 10, for flying to and arriving in Poland on APR 11 for sightseeing to begin on APR 12.


Plus, you need a day for flying from Krakow to Rome.


Kindly advise about the Shroud of Turin.  Note the viewing dates have still not been announced, and they might not work with your itinerary dates.


Best wishes,



From: Tinh Cao <>
Date: Mon, Apr 29, 2024 at 9:59 AM
Subject: Re: Holy Year Pilgrimage Tour in 2025
To: Kathie Richter <>
Cc: TDCTT I CA SB Cao Bui Thuy Nga <>

Good morning Kathie,

Thanks for your patience with our last 15 day trip inside U.S.
Now prior to missionary trip for 15 days (May 17-31) to Southern Ethiopia outside U.S, we want to finish the dates and sites for our Holy Year Pilgrimage.
Then after the coming missionary trip we will begin to promote in our group the Holy Year Pilgrimage in 4/2025.

The Holy Year Pilgrimage 2025 - Pilgrims of Hope

From Poland to Rome 12 days from 11-21/4/2025

1)  Poland: 4/12-15  

    Shrine of Divine Mercy
    St Faustina's Monastery
   St. John Paul II's birthplace, the Church and his museum all in the same John-Paul II's Square
   The Krakow's Cathedral where he celebrated the very first mass in underground chapel and where he was archbishop since 1963 to 1978.

2) Rome: 

Wednesday 4/16

General Audience

St Peter Basilica and Square,

The Shrine of Divine Mercy near St. Peter Square

Thursday 4/17

The Shroud of Turin

Friday 4/18


Colesseum: The Way of The Cross with Pope in evening 

Saturday 4/19

St Paul Basilia, St Mary Major Basilica and St John Laterano Basilica

Easter (Saturday Night Vigil)

Easter Sunday 4/20

Midday Regina, Easter Message and Papal Blessing


Monday 4/21

Return to U.S.

From: Tinh Cao <>
Date: Thu, Apr 18, 2024 at 4:46 AM
Subject: Re: Holy Year Pilgrimage Tour in 2025
To: Kathie Richter <>
Cc: TDCTT I CA SB Cao Bui Thuy Nga <>

Good morning Kathie from San Jose,
We are in traveling from last Saturday until next Saturday, 15 days. We will return to you regarding the trip. Thanks.

From: Kathie Richter <>
Date: Tue, Apr 16, 2024 at 11:31 AM
Subject: RE: Holy Year Pilgrimage Tour in 2025
To: Tinh Cao <>
Cc: TDCTT I CA SB Cao Bui Thuy Nga <>

Hi Tinh and Marie,


Thank you for sharing your alternative destination for the Year of Jubilee in 2025.


I need clarification for your itinerary:


1)  Poland:  Do you only want to visit Krakow which includes/is near the sites you mentioned:  Shrine of Divine Mercy, St Faustina's Monastery, Auschwitz.


2)  Turin: 

    - You will need to fly from Krakow to Milan, because it is a 15.5 hour drive, which would require extra days and nights.

    - The dates for viewing the Shroud of Turin have not yet been announced.  The Shroud is generally only on view for a couple of weeks.  Will you still want to visit Turin if you can’t see the Shroud, due to the schedule of the tour dates you want in Rome?


3)  Lanciano:  Lanciano is at least 8 hours drive (without stops for meals/restroom).  Therefore, the group will need to overnight enroute. 

     - Our program has stops in Florence and Assisi enroute to Rome.  This option would likely make the tour 15 days.

     - If you overnight in Bologna, then the tour would likely be 13 days.


Please let me know your thoughts regarding my comments.


Thank you and best wishes,



From: Tinh Cao <>
Date: Mon, Apr 15, 2024 at 11:33 PM
Subject: Re: Holy Year Pilgrimage Tour in 2025
To: Kathie Richter <>
Cc: TDCTT I CA SB Cao Bui Thuy Nga <>

Thanks for your email,

We are also intend to let you know our new Jubilee Pilgrimage,
that includes Poland regarding the Shrine of Divine Mercy, St Faustina's Monastery, Auschwitz;
and on the way from Poland to Italy from the north that will include the Shroud of Turin and Lanciano.
Please keep those days in Rome from Holy Thursday to Easter Sunday.

Please let us know the above revised plan. Thanks.

Tinh and Marie

From: Kathie Richter <>
Date: Mon, Apr 15, 2024 at 9:31 AM
Subject: RE: Holy Year Pilgrimage Tour in 2025
To: Tinh Cao <>
Cc: TDCTT I CA SB Cao Bui Thuy Nga <>


Good day Marie and Tinh,


I hope you are both doing well, and, Tinh, I hope you have recovered from your fall.


To follow up with the circumstances in the Holy Land and Egypt, it is not looking promising at this point to promote a pilgrimage to those destinations.  I am therefore sending you the pdf for the e-catalog for the Jubilee programs.


I have advised the owner that you will want to be in Rome on the dates you have already indicated, so your program will need to be arranged around those dates.


Best wishes to you both,




From: Kathie Richter <>
Date: Mon, Jan 15, 2024 at 3:13 PM
Subject: RE: Holy Year Pilgrimage Tour in 2025
To: Tinh Cao <>
Cc: TDCTT I CA SB Cao Bui Thuy Nga <>


Hi Tinh,


Thank you for your response.

At this time I don’t know if groups will be able to travel to Egypt or to Israel.

Let me know in June how you plan to proceed.

Best wishes,




From: Tinh Cao <>
Date: Mon, Jan 15, 2024 at 3:09 PM
Subject: Re: Holy Year Pilgrimage Tour in 2025
To: Kathie Richter <>
Cc: TDCTT I CA SB Cao Bui Thuy Nga <>

Thank you for your reply along with comfortable words Kathie,

We will have a missionary trip from May 17 to June 1, 2023 in southern Ethiopia in Africa.
After that we will be ready to commit to an itinerary for air etc.
And then we will begin to make announcement and promotion of this tour in our group.
I still hope that we can be in Egypt and Jerusalem in coming Holy Year 2025 due to their inseparable connection in Divine revelation.
If "very unlikely any travelers will want to travel to Egypt" can our group go?

Best regards,

From: Kathie Richter <>
Date: Mon, Jan 15, 2024 at 1:31 PM
Subject: RE: Holy Year Pilgrimage Tour in 2025
To: Tinh Cao <>
Cc: TDCTT I CA SB Cao Bui Thuy Nga <>


Hi Tinh,


I hope you are recovering well.  I am so sorry for your unfortunate accident.

Regarding the 2025 Holy Year Pilgrimage, sadly, it is very unlikely any travelers will want to travel to Egypt any more than they would to Israel. 

Within the next six months you would need to be committed to an itinerary for air, etc.

Since your dates won’t change for Rome, we will note that to reserve.

Do you have another other destination(s) that you could include with Rome, such as Lourde to Italy, that might be an easier sell?

Thank you and best wishes,



From: Tinh Cao <>
Date: Sun, Jan 14, 2024 at 12:50 PM
Subject: Holy Year Pilgrimage Tour in 2025
To: Richter, Kathie <>
Cc: TDCTT I CA SB Cao Bui Thuy Nga <>

Hi Kathie,
We all know that the war in Gaza at this time and we don't know how long it will be ended.
If it is impossible to be there during our Holy Year Pilgrimage Tour in 2025, we will be in Egypt and Rome only.
In this case the timeline will be shorter and the tour will start later so that we can be in Rome on Holy Thursday, April 17, 2025.
However, we want to make sure our tour will have seats/tickets: 
1- To attend in Colosseum during Friday evening, April 18, for the Stations of the Cross with Holy Father,
2- To attend mid-night mass on Holy Saturday April 19 by Holy Father in Peter Square,
3- To attend Easter Blessing and Easter Message from Holy Father at noon of Easter Sunday April 20 in Peter Square. 













From: Tinh Cao <>
Sent: Thursday, August 03, 2023 10:04 AM
To: Kathie Richter <>
Cc: 1GDCB Marie Cao <>
Subject: Pilgrimage Tour 2025


Hi Kathie,


We are ready for the next tour in 2025, the Holy Year of Catholic Church.

When we finish with the current tour in 2023 we will send you the next one.

Please let us know.



tinh and Marie




On Thu, Aug 3, 2023 at 10:21 AM Kathie Richter <> wrote:


Hi Tinh and Marie,


The sooner Nawas has the information the better for checking options. 


Also, in Rome, the registration for Pilgrim Reservations for access to the Holy Doors in 2025 will begin September 2023.


Best regards,






On Thu, Aug 3, 2023 at 10:29 AM Tinh Cao <> wrote:


Thanks for following up. 

We will send you the next tour today when we have time.


tinh and Marie





From: Tinh Cao <>
Sent: Thursday, August 03, 2023 11:33 AM
To: Kathie Richter <>
Subject: Re: Pilgrimage Tour 2025


Hi Kathie,


Following is our planned tour for the Holy Year Pilgrimage in 2025.

Please advice so that we have the best tour ever.


tinh and Marie


The Holy Year Pilgrimage 2025 - Pilgrims of Hope

From Egypt through Jerusalem to Rome 14 days from 7-19/4/2025


From Egypt (Tuesday April 8 - Sunday April 12) 

The Land of Goshen, where the Israelistes lived 430 years until their Exodus

The Holy Family Trail

Gebel Qussqam, where the Holy Family supposedly resided for a full six months




Through Jerusalem (Sunday April 12 -  Tuesday April 15)


Mount of Olive

Mount Zion

Kidron Valley

Walk the Old City Walls

Western Wall and Jewish Quarter

Church of the Holy Sepulchre

Follow the Route of the Via Dolorosa



To Rome (Tuesday April 15 - Monday April 21)

 Wednesday 4/16

General Audience

St Peter Basilica and Square,

The Shrine of Divine Mercy near St. Peter Square

Thursday 4/17

The Shroud of Turin

Friday 4/18


Colesseum: The Way of The Cross with Pope in evening 

Saturday 4/19

St Paul Basilia, St Mary Major Basilica and St John Laterano Basilica

Easter (Saturday Night Vigil)

Easter Sunday 4/20

Midday Regina, Easter Message and Papal Blessing





On Thu, Aug 3, 2023 at 11:46 AM Kathie Richter <> wrote:


Hi Tinh and Marie,


I note you have the Shroud of Turin on APR 17.


If the Shroud of Turin is on display in APR 2025, it will be in Turin which is over seven hours away from Rome.


Kindly clarify.


Thank you,




From: Tinh Cao <>
Sent: Thursday, August 03, 2023 11:57 AM
To: Kathie Richter <>
Subject: Re: Pilgrimage Tour 2025


Thanks Kathie,

We can adjust our time in order to get there in this really rare event!

We hope we can do it if the Shroud of Turin will be displayed in the Holy Year of 2025.

tinh and Marie




On Thu, Aug 3, 2023 at 1:11 PM Kathie Richter <> wrote:


Tinh and Marie,


The coaches in Europe cannot travel that long, so you would require two travel days going to Turin and two more days returning to Rome.


Do you want to add another four days to the program?






From: Tinh Cao <>
Sent: Thursday, August 03, 2023 1:42 PM
To: Kathie Richter <>
Subject: Re: Pilgrimage Tour 2025


If so just forget it.

So we can replace it to other ones that are Lanciano Eucharistic Miracle and Lanciano Cathedral.





On Thu, Aug 3, 2023 at 3:36 PM Kathie Richter <> wrote:


Hi Tinh and Marie,


I have put together an outline for you with the dates.


You have noted a visit to Sinai.  Please clarify.  The Sinai Peninsula is under extreme “do not travel warnings” by the U.S. State Department.


With your travel dates you also want to remember that Jerusalem is in a Jewish country, and there are limited services provided on Friday and Saturday, when Shabbat is observed.


Please advise.


Thank you,





From: Tinh Cao <>
Date: Thu, Aug 3, 2023 at 4:06 PM
Subject: Re: Pilgrimage Tour 2025
To: Kathie Richter <>

Thanks Kathie.
Mount Sinai/Horeb is where Moses received 10 commandments from God.
We want to visit this historic site of the Old Testament.
tinh and Marie





From: Tinh Cao <> 
Sent: Friday, August 18, 2023 6:11 AM
To: Kathie Richter <>
Subject: Pilgrimage Tour 2025


Good morning Kathie,


Regarding the price of the pilgrimage trip in 2025, please give us three options: 1- from LAX CA, 2- from New York NY and 3- from Houston TX.

We believe that there are more pilgrims in this tour from three areas.


tinh and Marie







From: Kathie Richter <>
Date: Fri, Aug 18, 2023 at 7:40 AM
Subject: RE: Pilgrimage Tour 2025
To: Tinh Cao <>


Good morning, Tinh and Marie,


I want to go over the tour program with you.  I have received feedback from our Nawas office in Cairo, and here is a recap of the comments.  Note the amount of time to cover the sites you want to visit will require at least nine (9) days.

-The land of Goshen could be done in one entire day starting at 08.00 hrs am ending at 18.00 hrs pm. (1 day)

-the Holy Family trail, needs three days to cover all sights in complete, if you wish to just do the highlight of the trail it could be done in two days covering sights situated in Cairo, Heliopolis ending with a drive for almost 5 hours to Assute ,overnight in Assute and start the tour on the following day visiting the Qussqam mountain, Muharaqe monastery and Drunkola , then drive back to Cairo. (3 days)

-Gebal Qussqam: is located about 350 km from Cairo, at least 5 hours driving each way. (2 days)

-Mountain Sinai to see the place which Moses has received the Ten Commandments from God and witness the sun rising also visiting the other sights such as the monastery of St. Catherine , the burning bush and water well, in this case you have to overnight in St. Catherine.  The drive from Cairo is 5 hours. (3 days)

Suggestion from Cairo office:


-Land of Goshan in one full day.

-Pyramids with the Holy Family trail while only in Cairo in two days.

-Qussqam, Muharaq and Dunkula in two days/one night.

-St. Catherine / Mount Sinai in three days/two nights.


Please let me know how you want to proceed with this itinerary.  May Egypt and Rome only?


Thank you and have a nice day,







From: Tinh Cao <>
Date: Fri, Aug 18, 2023 at 10:27 AM
Subject: Re: Pilgrimage Tour 2025
To: Kathie Richter <>
Thanks Kathie for your helpful information about the pilgrimage trip so that we can make a good decision.
Now please remove from the trip in Egypt: "Qussqam, Muharaq and Dunkula in two days/one night."
So for we need to have full 6 days in Egypt we have to extend our trip times up to two more days, that are 16 days for the whole trip.
We can start the trip sooner, from Sunday April 6, 2025.
We don't want to make any change in Jerusalem and Rome.
We want to make this pilgrimage trip special one, even more time and money.
It is worthy for the whole life especially during the holy year of 2025.
Best regards,
tinh and Marie



From: Tinh Cao <>
Date: Sun, Aug 20, 2023 at 7:00 AM
Subject: Re: Pilgrimage Tour 2025
To: Kathie Richter <>
Good morning Kathie,
We want to make adjustment on the pilgrimage trip in 2025 as follows:
1- It is still 15 days as from the beginning we planned (April 7-21, 2023);
2- Two days in Rome are cancelled that are Wednesday and Thursday;
3- Two more days in Egypt are added in place of two cancelled days in Rome;
4- The trip still begins on Monday April 7, 2025 and ends on Monday April 21, 2023 as follows:

The Holy Year Pilgrimage 2025 - Pilgrims of Hope

From Egypt through Jerusalem to Rome 15 days from 7-21/4/2025


From Egypt (Tuesday April 8 - Sunday April 12) 

Land of Goshan in one full day (Tuesday)

Pyramids with the Holy Family trail while only in Cairo in two days (Wednesday - Thursday)

Friday-Sunday: St. Catherine / Mount Sinai in three days/two nights (Friday - Sunday)

Through Jerusalem (Monday April 13 - Thursday April 17)

Old Jerusalem: Mount of Olive, Mount Zion, Kidron Valley, Walk the Old City Walls

Western Wall and Jewish Quarter, Church of the Holy Sepulchre and Follow the Route of the Via Dolorosa

Bethlehem etc (we will keep what you made shorten in your previous summary)

To Rome 
(Thursday April 17 - Monday April 21)  

Catacombs and Colesseum: The Way of The Cross with Pope in evening (Good Friday 4/18)
St Paul Basilia, St Mary Major Basilica, St John Laterano Basilica and St Peter Basilica (Holy Saturday 4/19)
Easter (Saturday Night Vigil)

Midday Regina, Easter Message and Papal Blessing, then Shopping (Easter Sunday 4/20)


Thanks Kathie,

You have a good weekend.






From: Kathie Richter <>
Date: Mon, Aug 21, 2023 at 6:25 PM
Subject: RE: Pilgrimage Tour 2025
To: Tinh Cao <>

Hi Tinh and Marie,


Please clarify a few times:

1) If you still depart on APR 7, you will arrive on APR 8.  You cannot plan any sightseeing on day of arrival in Cairo, because we don’t know when the flights arrive, if there are delays, etc., and it takes time to go through immigration, etc.

2) Traveling from Egypt to Jerusalem is a travel day, so again we can’t schedule sightseeing on that day, and again traveling from Jerusalem to Rome, there will be the same issue.

3)  Cutting out Wednesday in Rome, you will be removing the Papal Audience.


Kindly advise regarding these items.


Thank you,




tinh and Marie






From: Tinh Cao <>
Date: Mon, Aug 21, 2023 at 6:39 PM
Subject: Re: Pilgrimage Tour 2025
To: Kathie Richter <>
Thanks Kathie,
Now we would like to know the prices for either one of two below options before we can make final decision:
1- At maximum: If we need three more days regarding traveling as you just mentioned - How much?
2- At minimum: If we remove Jerusalem from the trip, and keep only Egypt and Rome - How much?
Thanks again.
tinh and Marie



From: Kathie Richter <>
Date: Mon, Aug 21, 2023 at 6:42 PM
Subject: RE: Pilgrimage Tour 2025
To: Tinh Cao <>

Hi Tinh and Marie,


I will have to put the itineraries together for your approval to make sure I can give you proper pricing.


Best wishes,








From: Tinh Cao <>
Date: Mon, Aug 21, 2023 at 6:52 PM
Subject: Re: Pilgrimage Tour 2025
To: Kathie Richter <>
We prefer at maximum trip including Egypt, Jerusalem and Rome.
For this is the Holy Year that relates to these three important and inseparable historic sites: 
From Pagan (Egypt) to Judaism (Jerusalem) and from Judaism (Jerusalem) to Christianity/Catholicity (Rome).
Thanks Kathie.
tinh and Marie

From: Tinh Cao <>
Date: Tue, Aug 22, 2023 at 6:48 AM
Subject: Re: Pilgrimage Tour 2025
To: Kathie Richter <>
Good morning Kathie,
We forgot one thing, please remove 2 days in Rome, Wednesday and Thursday, in order to shorten the trip at manimum as we wish.
So you can rearrange the timeline of the trip so that we will be in Rome on Thursday so that we can participate in Holy Triduum
from Holy Thursday afternoon, Good Friday, Holy Saturday and finally Easter Sunday before we leave Rome on Monday.
tinh and Marie


From: Kathie Richter <>
Date: Tue, Aug 22, 2023 at 9:23 AM
Subject: RE: Pilgrimage Tour 2025
To: Tinh Cao <>

Good morning, Tinh and Marie,


Please make for me a day-by-day itinerary of the dates and places you want to be on those dates.  Please remember to include the days of travel and remember these days cannot include sightseeing.


I want to make sure I understand what places you want to visit and on which dates.


Thank you,







From: Tinh Cao <>
Date: Tue, Aug 22, 2023 at 10:39 AM
Subject: Re: Pilgrimage Tour 2025
To: Kathie Richter <>

Thanks Kathie, 
Following is our itinerary

The Holy Year Pilgrimage 2025 - Pilgrims of Hope

From Egypt through Jerusalem to Rome 16 days from Sunday April 6 to Monday April 21, 2025


Departure from U.S. Sunday April 6

Egypt (Monday April 7 - Sunday April 13) 

Land of Goshan in one full day (Tuesday April 8)

Pyramids with the Holy Family trail while only in Cairo in two days (Wednesday April 9 - Thursday April 10)

Friday-Sunday: St. Catherine / Mount Sinai in three days/two nights (Friday April 11 - Sunday April 13)

Jerusalem (Monday April 14 - Thursday April 17)

Old Jerusalem: Mount of Olive, Mount Zion, Kidron Valley, Walk the Old City Walls

Western Wall and Jewish Quarter, Church of the Holy Sepulchre and Follow the Route of the Via Dolorosa

Bethlehem etc 

(we keep your previous summary)


Rome (Thursday April 17 - Monday April 21)  

Catacombs and Colesseum: The Way of The Cross with Pope in evening (Good Friday 4/18)
St Paul Basilica, St Mary Major Basilica, St John Laterano Basilica and St Peter Basilica plus Saturday Night Easter Vigil Mass in Peter Square (Holy Saturday 4/19) 

Midday Regina, Easter Message and Papal Blessing, then Shopping (Easter Sunday 4/20)

Leaving from Rome Monday April 21


Thanks Kathie,


tinh and Marie




From: Kathie Richter <>
Date: Tue, Aug 22, 2023 at 11:17 AM
Subject: RE: Pilgrimage Tour 2025
To: Tinh Cao <>

Hi Tinh and Marie,


Please see my notes below. 


On SUN, APR 13, you will be driving from St. Catherine back to Cairo which is at least 5 hours.  Sharm el Sheik is about 3 hours.  You can’t fly out of St. Catherine.  If it is safe to drive from St. Catherine to Jerusalem, it is over 6  hours, which is too long for a coach.  So, it is important for you to factor in those travel days.


Therefore, your sightseeing in the Holy Land can’t begin until APR 15, and subsequently, your sightseeing in Rome can’t begin until April 19.


Please advise how you would like to amend the dates or itinerary.


Thank you and best regards,




Egypt (Monday April 7 - Sunday April 13) 

Land of Goshan in one full day (Tuesday April 8)

Pyramids with the Holy Family trail while only in Cairo in two days (Wednesday April 9 - Thursday April 10)

Friday-Sunday: St. Catherine / Mount Sinai in three days/two nights (Friday April 11 - Sunday April 13)



Jerusalem (Monday April 14 - Thursday April 17)  Sightseeing would have to begin on APR 15

Old Jerusalem: Mount of Olive, Mount Zion, Kidron Valley, Walk the Old City Walls

Western Wall and Jewish Quarter, Church of the Holy Sepulchre and Follow the Route of the Via Dolorosa

Bethlehem etc 

(we keep your previous summary)

APR  18 – TRAVEL TO ROME (based on above itinerary)

Rome (Thursday April 17 - Monday April 21) Sightseeing would have to begin on APR 19



From: Tinh Cao <>
Date: Tue, Aug 22, 2023 at 11:34 AM
Subject: Re: Pilgrimage Tour 2025
To: Kathie Richter <>

Thanks Kathie,

If so we will add one more day from 16 to 17 days to the whole trip, and thus we will leaving from U.S. on Suturday April 5 instead of Sunday April 6. 
We hope this will work for us. 
Do you think so?

tinh and Marie

From: Tinh Cao <>
Date: Tue, Aug 22, 2023 at 11:41 AM
Subject: Re: Pilgrimage Tour 2025
To: Kathie Richter <>
Hi Kathie,
We think we need two days in Jerusalem, April 15 and 16, and then fly from Jerusalem to Rome on Thursday April 17, then everything will be fine.

From: Kathie Richter <>
Date: Tue, Aug 22, 2023 at 11:47 AM
Subject: RE: Pilgrimage Tour 2025
To: Tinh Cao <>

Hi Tinh and Marie,


What sights are you going to visit in Jerusalem?


Thank you,



From: Tinh Cao <>
Date: Tue, Aug 22, 2023 at 12:27 PM
Subject: Re: Pilgrimage Tour 2025
To: Kathie Richter <>
Hi Kathie,
The following sights we would like to visit in Jerusalem in two days:
- Tomb of Virgin Mary
- Garden of Gethsemane and Church of All Nations,
- Church of Dominus Flevit,
- Church of St Peter in Gallicantu
- Church & Monastery of the Dormition
- Coenaculum (Cenacle)

- Church of the Flagellation

- Church of the Holy Sepulchra
- Bethlehem   

We hope it is OK.

tinh and Marie

From: Kathie Richter <>
Date: Tue, Aug 22, 2023 at 12:36 PM
Subject: RE: Pilgrimage Tour 2025
To: Tinh Cao <>

Hi Tinh and Marie,


I have attached the itinerary outline.  Please review and let me know if this is the program you want.  It is 16 days.


Things to keep in mind:


1) Rome is going to be very, very expensive because of the Holy Year.

2) The tour is 16 days.  The last 12-day pilgrimage I operated for Holy Land & Rome in 2022 was $4500. Prices to Europe since 2022 have increased at least 20%.

3)  You have two one-way flights which will also add to the cost. 


Receiving the quote will take some time.


Please advise regarding the itinerary,




6-Apr Sunday JFK/CAIRO 1
7-Apr Monday Arrive Cairo 2
8-Apr Tuesday Land of Goshen 3
9-Apr Wednesday Pyramids with the Holy Family trail while only in Cairo (2 days) 4
10-Apr Thursday Pyramids with the Holy Family trail while only in Cairo 5
11-Apr Friday Travel to St. Catherine 6
12-Apr Saturday Mount Sinai 7
13-Apr Sunday Travel to Cairo/Sharm el Sheikh 8
14-Apr Monday Travel to Jerusalem 9
15-Apr Tuesday Jerusalem - Old City 10
16-Apr Wednesday Jerusalem - Bethlehem 11
17-Apr Thursday TEL AVIV/ROME 12
18-Apr Friday Catacombs and Colesseum: The Way of The Cross with Pope in evening 13
19-Apr Saturday St Paul Basilica, St Mary Major Basilica, St John Laterano Basilica and St Peter Basilica plus Saturday Night Easter Vigil Mass in Peter Square 14
20-Apr Sunday Midday Regina, Easter Message and Papal Blessing - Shopping 15
21-Apr Monday ROME/JFK 16






From: Tinh Cao <>
Date: Tue, Aug 22, 2023 at 1:06 PM
Subject: Re: Pilgrimage Tour 2025
To: Kathie Richter <>
Looks good to us. 
If possible, please give us the quote for 3 different departures from U.S.: 1. JFK NY, 2. LAX CA and 3. IAH TX

Thanks Kathie.



From: Kathie Richter <>
Date: Tue, Aug 22, 2023 at 2:13 PM
Subject: RE: Pilgrimage Tour 2025
To: Tinh Cao <>

Hi Tinh and Marie,


Our current programs don’t include dinner in Rome.  This helps keep the price down.  Do you need dinner in Rome or can the travelers purchase their own dinners?


Also, what benefits do you want to build into the price?  1 per 8, 1 per 9, or 1 per 10?


Thank you,








From: Tinh Cao <>
Date: Tue, Aug 22, 2023 at 2:23 PM
Subject: Re: Pilgrimage Tour 2025
To: Kathie Richter <>
Thanks for the info. 
1- Just give us the price that includes dinner and without dinner? What is the difference??
2- Also give us two different options: 1 per 8 and 1 per 10? We want to see the price so that we can make decisions.
Thanks for your response.